Monday, February 7, 2011


...And boy do I have a doosie for you.  Check back this week for my year and a half long adventure.  PURE CRAZINESS!

Till next time...

Keep Rockin!

Your old pal Birch

Friday, July 10, 2009

♪♫I'm leaving on a jet plane♪♫

Hey folks... I'm headed to California. New adventures soon.


Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Got a little captain in ya'?

Hey guys... I just want to start off by thanking everyone for there well wishes and concerned emails. It's so nice to know that my followers really truly love me. I think my friend Lisa in California just about had a heart attack when she saw the photo of me getting run over by a car. I think her exact words were...


Then Carina explained what happened to me and this was the response...and I quote verbatim...

"So you mean I just wasted an entire box of tissues (the one with the little blue dots, super cool, and im sure pricey, I've never bought them myself but I used them at someones elses house... super thick... you only need one and it doesn't even make a hole like the other cheaper ones do and don't get me started on those lotion ones... oh who invented those! horrible things, they are) for NO reason? Oh dear, I'm so glad he's ok. I really would be sad if he passed away. Let's just say that does happen... Please don't throw him into the fireplace, then he might know he's really only made of wood and his entire reason for living was truly only so his family could roast marshmallows over him. Yes, he has a better purpose that this. Like to entertain my life.

All I can say is WOW! Do you think she was hysterical?

OK... On to today's adventure.

After the "INCIDENT" I took some time off. The first day I headed to the bar with some friends. It was my way to forget everything that had just happened. So like most men, a bar and a bunch of guys was the natural decision. Time to drown away the day.

Here I am doing my best Captain Morgan impression.

Birch Ceadarton....Got a little captain in you?
Just in case you have no clue what I'm talking about. Here is the real Captain Morgan.

You'd think I had one too many, Right?!
Birch Ceadarton... nope...Designated driver
Ha Ha... Fooled you. I'm a dry guy. No booze for me. My alcohol is hanging with my buddies. Its really a great gig. I get into clubs and bars free and don't have to pay for sodas. Nothing like a designated driver.

Well, that's all I have for now... Till next time...

Keep Rockin!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


... Of little ol' me? Well here is a long story made short.

The reason I haven't posted in a while is because I had to take a bit of a vacation. It seems that Chris (Carina's Husband) was getting jealous of the amount of time we were spending together.

On Memorial day, after everyone pulled the "Ever so FUNNY prank on me", Chris went into a rage and tried to run over me!
Berch Cedarton getting run over.  Almost.


Berch Cedarton showing his super humon streanth.

So after that little incident I decided that it might be a good idea to take a mini vacation. I popped in every once in a to prove that I was still cool with him and I think things have cooled down quite a bit. We sat down to a good talk and Chris now realizes that there is nothing going on between Carina and I.

What can I say? The guy loves his wife.

It's so good to say it again. KEEP ON ROCKIN!


Sunday, June 7, 2009

I'm so sorry....

Folks. I've taken the last week off for a bit of a mini vacation. I'll try to post about my week of adventures later on tonight. Thanks for all the emails and concerns, but I'm fine.

Til tonight,
Keep Rockin!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Birch Sized!

Finally, Finally, Finally... Someone thought of ol' Birchy and found him a Skate board his size!
Birch Cedarton skateboarding.
Serious folks, do you know how hard it is to find things to fit me? Would explain why I'm still in my birthday suit.

Anyways. Today I'm off to surf the urban jungle. Not much going on around here, but I'm sure I'll have something up my sleeve for tomorrow.

Keep Rockin

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Yard Sale Time

Hello All!
Birch Cedarton in a craft box at a yard sale
We're well into the prime season of yard sales in the Galveston County Area. It's not to hot yet and the rain is tapering off from the spring. Everyone is purging their old junk to make room for new junk.
Birch Cedarton looking through the CD's at a yard sale.
I've been to quite a few yard sales in my time and the fight was surly on. Many people traveled from house to house trying to find new treasures. This day was no different. It's a finder's keepers game and feelings got hurt! I'm glad I got to this house when I did because I would have missed out on getting this awesome Chicago CD for 25¢
Birch Cedarton beating him to a cd at a yard sale
I also looked at this file system. I've been getting so much fan mail lately that I'm now in need of organization.
Birch Cedarton checking out the integrety of the file system
I crawled inside to check out the structural integrity, but it wasn't as sound as I had hoped.
Birch Cedarton finds Jeans at a yard sale
I think the big find of the day was a pair of broken in jeans for a dollar! There's nothing like a good pair of jeans... except maybe a pair my size. Any seamstresses out there?

I had a great time looking for forgotten treasures. Now it's your turn. Till next time...

Keep Rockin!